Friday, September 6, 2013
Posted at 1:24 PM
Extremely rare pictures of my mom in her natural habitat. This is probably the closest I can get to a candid picture of her.
my favorite salad/lunch--trader joe's freshly picked vegetable salad!
mm. jasmine sea salt green tea with some matcha on top.
This week was so superbly long and tiring. My lower back is aching like a willowy branch right now and I have a topic proposal due on Monday for my history class. How are those two things related? None whatsoever, but it still sucks. I really want to bake right now and upload another recipe tutorial, buuuuut that's probably out the of the question since I should really start on my projects (which are all due next week). I have this weird, faint bubble of panic in my stomach right now but I'll get my things done. I just hate that before feeling when you kind of doubt yourself. Also, note that some of these pictures aren't from this week (guilty) but I did edit them this week, so...that counts, right? Anyway, I got some ramekins the other day from Daiso and they are the cutest tiny little things I've ever seen that it calls for redundancy. And you know what that means. I already have plans for the next recipe. Can't wait to make it slash eat it. Well, it's 1:23 p.m. right now and I have a soap opera to catch.