Tuesday, May 20, 2014
riptide Posted at 12:41 AM 0 comments (+)
Today was an exceptionally good day. I woke up in the morning and started off with a light breakfast (toasted wheat bread with sunny-side-up eggs) and then rolled out my mat and did some pilates. Then I showered and went out to run some errands, bought some new workout clothes, and came home. I was planning to go jogging at the beach or the park--which reminds me, there are major signs of drought everywhere (burnt grass, dry lawns)--but I decided to hang out with an old friend instead. We've been trying to go to the beach for a while now, but I kept ignoring him sooo....after nine months, we finally did it! The weather was perfect and the clouds covered everything but the sun. Some flyers were also posted on this old mysterious house at the corner of the street I've always wondered about, explaining that it was actually one of the first homes built in HB. They're beginning to restore it so it won't look like a creepy, haunted place anymore. Anyway, the rest of the day consisted of hamburgers, thousand island sauce, weird poses in front of interesting things and teaching Vinh how to place the red dot on my face in my camera to focus.

Beach day from Kayla Nguyen on Vimeo.
A simple little nook where I can (hopefully) neatly put my creative and more personal side.

"The journey is my home."
— Muriel Rukeyser

Layout by mymostloved with script, background and image.